Child Care Subsidy

The child care subsidy (CCS) is the main way the Australian Government helps families with child care fees. Providers must be approved by the department to receive CCS on behalf of families.


Child Care Benefit (CCB)

The Department of Human Services (DHS) calculates fee reductions using the family eligibility information and the online weekly attendance usage information Seaford District Community Children’s Centre provides on Attendance Record Reports.  Any estimation of fee reduction by SDCCC is an estimate only.  Actual fee reductions are provided to SDCCC following an online submission of weekly Attendance Record Reports and the Centre ensures that the fee reduction amounts advised by the DHS are passed on to families.

Child Care Rebate (CCR)

In addition to CCB, the CCR is a payment from the Australian Government that helps working families with the cost of child care.  This rebate assists with the out-of-pocket expenses for approved care and is paid quarterly rather than annually and covers 50 percent of out-of-pocket expenses.  The maximum annual threshold for the CCR is indexed each year.    Out-of-pocket expenses are total child care fees charged for approved child care less actual CCB and any JETCCFA entitlement.

To be eligible for the CCR families must have used approved child care and been eligible for CCB (entitled at a rate of zero or more) and have met the work, training, study test (for the purpose of the CCR)

For families needing information about their eligibility and assessment of CCB & CCR they can call the Centrelink Families & Parents line on 13 61 50.

For further information regarding childcare families can visit



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